Allison Foust

With a dusty degree in TV Production and a grocery list of jobs to her name, Allison made the decision several years ago to register in UCLA Extension’s Visual Arts Program. She thrived in the creative element and enjoyed experimenting with designing animated and interactive pieces. The curriculum also allowed her to draw upon her computer and writing talents and her previous audio and video production experience. Three years later, she received her Certificate in Interactive Multimedia Design.

A few of her animation pieces were shown at a recent AIGA/UCLA Extension art show, and her portfolio site,, was selected as a finalist for the 2002 SXSW website competition.

Allison now works for Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment as an assistant web producer. She lives in Hollywood with her husband, two dogs, three cats and a iguana named Pepe.

Title: The Girl Who Lost Her Tongue
Show: Mom, Dad, I Have Something to Tell You

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