Sherry Millner & Ernest Larson

Sherry Millner

Sherry Millner has been producing films, videotapes, and photomontages since the mid-1970s. Her tapes are remarkable for their mixture of humor, analysis,
and personal insight. Embracing a wide range of issues in her work, from the mundane to the political, Millner portrays an acute sense of the sublime and the ridiculous—a necessary virtue when tackling U.S. foreign policy. For example, The Desert Bush, produced in collaboration with her husband, videomaker and writer Ernest Larsen, makes mincemeat out of George Bush’s Gulf War rhetoric, casting the entire U.S. press corps into the role of skilled manipulators, and refusing to see them as the bastions of truth they
would have us believe.


Ernest Larsen

In addition to his work in video, Ernest Larsen is a fiction writer and media critic. His criticism has been published in The Nation, Art in America, The
Village Voice, Art Journal, The Independent, Exposure, Transition, and Jump Cut; and his essays have appeared in a number of anthologies. The Usual
Suspects will be published by the British Film Institute in the Fall of 2001 in its Modern Film Classics series. A short story, Invasion as a State of Mind, appears in the current Fishdrum. His novel, Not a Through Street, was nominated for an Edgar. Also a scriptwriter and contributing producer for several PBS series and for National Geographic Television, he has received
grants and awards from the Jerome Foundation, Paul Robeson Foundation, MacDowell Foundation, Blue Mountain Center, Gunk Foundation, and the
Blumenthal Foundation. His collaborative video projects with Sherry Millner have been exhibited and have won awards at major festivals throughout the
world (London, Sydney, Berlin, Barcelona, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Dallas, Los Angeles, etc.) including two Whitney Biennials.

Title: 41 Shots
Show: The Wounded City

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