Selected by Christopher Miles, 92 minutes

Also known as A Celebration of the Very Serious, Totally Goofy, Great Big Little Idea, this program offers a series of projects that hearken back to the more idiosyncratic, goofball spirit found in much of early conceptual art, performance and experimental film and video. Each of these works, in its own special way, offers a daft cocktail of the mundane, the silly and the profound.


Run by Doug Buis,
2:00 2002
The artist attempts to follow the path of ants with the line of an EtchASketch toy.

Clapper by Daniel Martinico,
0:30, 2001
A man uses a clapper to turn a light on and off and on and off again.
A Study of Lightbulb Breakage by Steve Craig,
6:25, 2001
The title of this work speaks for itself.

by Patty Chang,
4:00, 2001
With the help of an accomplice, the artist stuffs a group of live eels inside her shirt.

2 Interviews with B & T,

by Brooke Sauer & Tyler Ingle,
10:00, 2001
A performance duo engages in an enthusiastic discussion of their collaborative process.

by Jeremy Drummond,
2:27, 2000
The artist plays with his saliva in extreme close-up.

Guerrilla Public Service by Richard Ankrom,
10:00, 2002
A documentary of the artist's quest to remedy a vague freeway sign.

by Anetta Kapon,
4:30, 2000
A selection of encouraging comments from rejection letters

Domino Effect
by Gustavo Artigas, 8:00,
A combination of dominoes and a drinking game with rum set in a public square in Cuba

Three Legged
by Wood and Harrison,
3:00, 1999
Two men tie their legs together and attempt to dodge balls fired at them in a confined space.

The Los Angeles Times and Me
by Stephen Berens, 42:13, 2001
The artist and four stand-ins perform a marathon recital of words used in the artist's published art criticism and the criticism of four critics published in the Los Angeles Times during one year.

@ Spruce Street Forum, San Diego The 2002 Spruce Street Forum Film Series c/o Art Posse Nov.14, 8pm

@ CSU, Los Angeles, Maxwell Theatre Nov. 16, 5 -7pm

@ Gallery 825 Opening Nov. 21, 8pm See Exhibitions