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The curated FREE zine selection is an effort to represent experiences about gender, gender identities, feminism, being queer, trans and being a womxn of color. We hope these resources resonate with you on some level.

Daisy Noemi is an LA local who has helped organize L.A. Zine Fest since 2013. She is also a local film photographer and forever volunteer for Chicas Rockeras Sela. She loves being involved in and nurturing the Los Angeles community in whatever capacity she is able to do so. She truly believes zines, film photography and art make the world go round.

Artist Brenzy Solorzano with our partner, ArtworxLA created a summer  workshop series  around  ideas of gender to conclude at our event.   ArtworxLA combats the epidemic high school dropout crisis by engaging students in a long-term, sequential arts program offering a pursuable life path that inspires them to stay in school, evolve as unique individuals and flourish as creative adults.

They achieve this by creatively educating alternative high school teenagers with sustained arts exposure and immersion; connecting students to a network of peers, artists, cultural partners, higher education, creative industries, and supportive adults; and investing human and financial resources around ongoing, persistent student and alumni support.